Późnośredniowieczne spisy wywołanych z Jawora i Świdnicy


Mateusz Goliński
Uniwersytet Wrocławski


The Jawor register of the proscribed was contained in the town’s oldest extant book of records, whose original title written on the cover was Contractus Trans-actiones 1381 usque 1413. It is filled with notes dated between 1381 and 1474; con-trary to the title, their character and topic vary. The register was entered in two series: 251 proscription notes from 1381–1412 titled De proscriptis and 85 from 1412–1450, under the title Hic notanter proscripti. Out of these proscriptions, 149 were crossed out. Proscriptions were announced by the town council at the request of the court and the sentences were entered in the book of records on the council’s behalf. Apart from the municipal and manorial juries, a council of 32 villages from the Jawor district was asked to complete the proscription pro-cedure. The crime which most frequently resulted in proscription was homicide; 168 entries, i.e. exactly half, were devoted to it.


  • Wstęp .......... VII
  • Jaworski rejestr proskrybowanych. Treść źródła, jego tło społeczne i uwarunkowania w przestrzeni weichbildu .......... IX
  • Świdnicka księga proskrybowanych i ułaskawionych. Charakterystyka treści źródła i jej specyfika .......... XLIII
  • Zasady edycji .......... LXXIII
  • Bibliografia .......... LXXV
  • Spis rycin .......... LXXIX
  • Spis tabel .......... LXXXI
  • Jaworski rejestr proskrybowanych 1381-1450 (APWr., Oddział w Legnicy, Akta miasta Jawora, nr II/1) .......... 1
  • Indeks miejscowy i osobowy .......... 41
  • Indeks rzeczy i pojęć .......... 61
  • Świdnicka księga proskrybowanych i ułaskawionych (1367) 1380-1485 (APWr., Akta miasta Świdnicy, nr 95) .......... 67
  • Indeks miejscowy i osobowy .......... 191
  • Indeks rzeczy i pojęć .......... 245


December 31, 2020


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PDF (The lowest price over the last 30 days: 24 PLN)

ISBN-13 (15)


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ISBN-13 (15)
