Digital Syndonological Lexicon
shroud of Turin, syndonology, Jesus Christ, christianitySynopsis
Interest in the Shroud of Turin, a canvas with an image of a man's body, seen from the front and back, with traces of torture similar to that inflicted on Jesus and described in the Gospels of the New Testament, has also found a place in world science since the 20th century. Especially after the words of Pope John Paul II in the Turin Cathedral, where the Shroud is kept. Faced with the dilemma of whether we are dealing with the burial shroud of Jesus or a medieval forgery, so ingenious that the science of the 21st century is unable to either falsify or confirm this thesis, the Pope decided that resolving this issue was not "in the Church's special competence". On the other hand, it can be undertaken by scientists, because "it is not a matter of faith", but should become the subject of studies undertaken "without prejudice that would lead to false results; (...) to act with inner freedom and caring respect, both from the point of view of scientific methodology and the sensitivity of believers. " The prepared lexicon has the ambition to present the history of syndonological research to date and to become an element of a scientific workshop that helps to get acquainted with reliable research results and to serve as a standard reference work for further research projects of a monographic nature.


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