Promoting Changes in Times of Transition and Crisis: Reflections on Human Rights Education
This book presents a uniqe collection of the most relevant perspectives in contemporary human rights education. Different intellectual, legal, politicial and philosophical traditions and views are brought together to explore some of the issues challenging standard justification. Widely accessible also to non experts, contributors aim at opening new perspective on the state of the art of eductaion of human rights. [...] This valuable volume of essays, which focuses on the promoting changes in times of transition and crisis, makes it clear that such problems need constant surveillance done by participants of the multiform assemblies, representing the variety of background: academia, government, nongovernment organisations as well as many young and upcoming human rights practitioners.
Fragment of the book review
Professor Bogusława Bednarczyk
Man and His Rights .......... 7
Significance of Auschwitz for the Contemporary Germans .......... 13
The significance of Auschwitz for the Contemporary Jewish World .......... 23
Asylum Advocacy. How Historians and Lawyers Can Partner to Advance Human Rights .......... 37
The Period of Transition in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The Role of the Council of Europe in Promoting Education for Democracy and Human Rights .......... 53
Human Rights in the Education System During the System Transformation in Poland .......... 59
The Texts, Expressions and Causes of the Arab Spring in Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya .......... 73
European Identity, Multiculturalism and the Problem of the Other .......... 89
Philosophy-based HRE, and Some Consequences for Culturally Diverse Societies .......... 95
Australian Multiculturalism. Th e Roots of its Success .......... 109
Including GLBTIQ Student Rights in ‘Human’ Rights Education .......... 137
Universal Values or Particular Agendas – Can We Still Speak Credibly of Human Rights? .......... 159
Bioethical Issues in the Framework of the EU Policy .......... 185
It’s All About the Court(s): General Remarks on the American Idea of Judicial Impact on the Scope of Civil Rights .......... 195
Educative Function of Law in the Fragmented International Legal Order. Case of Right to Water v. Investment Protection .......... 209
Anita Blagojević, The Role of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia in Human Rights Protection .......... 223
Law of Occupation vs. Ius Post Bellum. Significance of Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan .......... 249
Russia’s Human Rights Record. Case of Chechnya .......... 263
The Catholic Church in Human Rights Protection .......... 283
Religion in Human Rights Education or Human Rights Education by Religious Bodies? .......... 297
The State’s Obligation to Educate its Population in Core Human Rights Standards .......... 307
Teaching Human Rights. Bringing Alternative Conceptions into Play .......... 325
Can Taiwan be an Example of Successful Promotion of Human Rights in Asia? .......... 335
Human Rights Education in the Basque Country (Spain). A Model for Divided Societies? .......... 345
Mediator vs. Instigator Strategies Th rough Human Rights Education: The Case of Cyprus .......... 361
Teaching about Rights, Freedom, and Democracy in Citizenship Education Classes in Bulgaria. Discourse on Practice .......... 373
Teaching Teachers about Human Rights in Estonia
The Human Right to Education, the Ethical Responsibility of Curriculum, and the Irony in “Safe Spaces” .......... 407
“What about Newspapers?”. Some Refl ections on Asia, Language Barriers, and Human Rights Education in Higher Education Institutions in (Eastern) Asia .......... 421`
Media Education – a Chance for the Polish School and an Attempt at Defi ning its Identity .......... 439
Direct Participation in Hostilities and Respect for the Lives of Civilians During Armed Conflicts .......... 455
The Role of Human Rights Protection in Combating Human Trafficking. The Case of the Greater Mekong Sub-Region .......... 477
The Double Jeopardy of the Disabled in a Dysfunctional Education System in Nigeria: A Violation of Human Rights .......... 493
Female Genital Mutilation and Human Rights in Uganda. Th e Nexus between the Cultural and Universal Norms in Uganda .......... 505
Human Rights in the 21st Century. Challenging the Human Rights Language .......... 517