Dylematy badaczy wiedzy o przeszłości : ostrzeżenia i przestrogi
The work familiarises participants of historical seminars and enthusiasts of history with historical research. The opening chapter of the work contains the presentation of informational structures of the source, in accordance with a proposal of Jerzy Topolski, and methods of their implementation – a way from the source fact through the historical fact to the historiographic fact. In this scope, the questions of authenticity, source reliability and possibilities of acting for researches are very important – the authentic source is not automatically reliable, the falsified source remains potentially useful. The second chapter discusses these issues. The author indicates that one can observe quite common practice, not only among enthusiasts of history, but also among professional researchers, i.e. organising source information according to dates included in texts, and not according to dates of the creation of texts. Search for ways which lead to filling the informational emptiness bothering historians, especially medievalists, is one of the consequences of such an attitude – as it was already in the past. The author describes a few strategies chosen by great masters of the Polish historiography, who in a sophisticated way – more or less sophisticated – tried to fill the gap in the source information. The analysis reveals the deliberate violation of professional rules for different reasons.
Wstęp i wyjaśnienie .......... 9
1. Fakty źródłowe, autentyczność i wiarygodność źródeł .......... 11
2. Źródła fałszywe, podejrzane, pustka źródłowa .......... 23
3. Pustka źródłowa. Strategie badaczy .......... 27
4. Grzechy. Zapożyczenia, inspiracje, plagiat, symulacja erudycji, autoplagiat .......... 55
5. Piśmiennictwo pamiętnikarskie .......... 93
6. Dokumenty osobiste. Relacje. Hybrydy .......... 125
7. Wywiad. Historie/źródła mówione .......... 157
8. Nieporozumienia .......... 191
Bibliografia .......... 209
Streszczenie .......... 241
Indeks osobowy .......... 245