Kształtowanie się polskiego języka literackiego
history of the Polish language, historical dialectology, origin of the literary languageSynopsis
The book is devoted to formation of the Polish literary language. It consists of four parts: I. History of research, II. Theoretical issues, III. Analysis of material and IV. Final conclusions.
The origin of the Polish literary language has been analysed by researchers for almost 150 years. In this long period, one can distinguish four stages of research: 1. Prehistory of research (1864-1910); 2. Attempts of scientific justification of the Wielkopolska hypothesis (1910-1941); 3. Period of the most intense discussions and disputes (1947-1961); 4. Declining of discussions and appearing new (after 1961 until today).
The second chapter presents theoretical issues which have been analysed in works written so far. They can be captured in the form of the following questions: 1. Which dialect constituted the foundation of the literary language? 2. Did the literary language appear originally in a spoken or written variation? 3. When did the literary language appear? 4. What factors determined the triumph of a given dialectal variant? 5. Could other languages influence the process of formation of the Polish literary language?
The third chapter constitutes the basic part of the book. It is devoted to the analysis of the material and includes the detailed discussion of dialectal variants: 1. Created as a result of the phonetic and phonological processes, 2. Dialectal differentiations within the inflection, 3. Regional variants in the word formation, 4. Dialectal differentiations within the lexis.
I. Historia badań .......... 9
II. Problemy teoretyczne .......... 21
III. Analiza materiału .......... 25
A. Procesy fonetyczno-fonologiczne .......... 27
B. Zróżnicowania dialektalne w zakresie fleksji .......... 56
C. Warianty regionalne w słowotwórstwie .......... 78
D. Zróżnicowania dialektalne w zakresie leksyki .......... 87
IV. Wnioski końcowe .......... 135
Rozwiązanie skrótów .......... 143
Bibliografia .......... 145