“I” and “Other”: In Light of Phenomenological-Hermeneutics Reflection


Marcin Rebes (ed)
Jagiellonian University in Kraków


social interactions, philosophy of dialog, phenomenology


The book addresses one of the fundamental questions posed in both the social sciences and the humanities, namely the question of identity and the role played by the “Other” in its construction. The issues analysed in the book are also very topical. Nowadays, when as a result of a number of processes it is more and more difficult to answer the question of identity, both in the individual and collective aspect, such questions become especially actual, and answers to them are provided by particular authors in their erudite articles, referring to canonical texts for Western culture. What makes this publication particularly relevant is the fact that the discussion concerns the figure of the “Other” and its role in identity formation. Admittedly, such analyses have a long academic tradition, the issue seems particularly topical today. The contemporary world is characterised by high mobility, as a consequence of which contacts with the “Other” are now more common and everyday than ever before.

Paweł Kubicki


  • Introduction .......... 7
  • Senses and Meaning of Hospitality .......... 11
    Grzegorz Pożarlik, Hans Rainer Sepp, Thomas Keller, Marcin Rebes, Rafał Godoń, Marie-Anne Lescourret
  • The Equal and the Same .......... 27
    Grzegorz Pożarlik, Hans Rainer Sepp, Thomas Keller, Marcin Rebes, Rafał Godoń, Marie-Anne Lescourret
  • Ich – Andere – Dritte
    Von Personaler zu Transkultureller Alterität .......... 49
    Grzegorz Pożarlik, Hans Rainer Sepp, Thomas Keller, Marcin Rebes, Rafał Godoń, Marie-Anne Lescourret
  • Learning from the Other
    Thinking as an Engaging form of School Experience .......... 75
    Grzegorz Pożarlik, Hans Rainer Sepp, Thomas Keller, Marcin Rebes, Rafał Godoń, Marie-Anne Lescourret
  • How Do Immigrants Become Civilizational Others? Or Othering Immigrants in Central European Immigration Crisis Narratives:
    Some Thoughts on Boundary Drawing and Its Persistent Appeal in Times of Civilizational Identity .......... 95
    Grzegorz Pożarlik, Hans Rainer Sepp, Thomas Keller, Marcin Rebes, Rafał Godoń, Marie-Anne Lescourret
  • Solidarity With and For the Other and Responsibility For the Other in Light of Reciprocity of Social Interactions:
    An Insight into Philosophy of the Other .......... 103
    Grzegorz Pożarlik, Hans Rainer Sepp, Thomas Keller, Marcin Rebes, Rafał Godoń, Marie-Anne Lescourret

Author Biographies

Marcin Rebes, Jagiellonian University in Kraków

Is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of International and Political Studies, Institute for European Studies, the Jagiellonian University. He studied philosophy at the Jagiellonian University and Albert-Ludwig-University of Freiburg, and theology at the Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg and the University of Vienna. He was awarded a SYLFF fellowship in 2001-2002 and Mobility’s Program of Polish Ministry of Education in 2009-2011; Representative of Dean for students in 2008-2013. He is the founder and the vice-president of the Association of SYLFF Fellows at the Jagiellonian University (Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund) and the chief editor of the scientific journal Euro-Facta. Academic interests: phenomenology, philosophy of dialogue, relation between ethics and politics, tolerance and identity, European philosophy focusing on experiences of truth, freedom and responsibility, philosophy of education, cosmology, process philosophy. 

Marie-Anne Lescourret, University of Strasbourg, France

Is former professor of aesthetics at the Institute of Art History of the University of Strasbourg. She is a philosopher, musicologist, and journalist. Her research focuses on aesthetics from a philosophical perspective, including issues centered on painting and the fine arts as well as music and poetry. Her analyses can be considered as an hermeneutics of the work of art, as it appears in her Introduction to Aesthetics, as well as the numerous articles she published in musicological collections (e.g., by M. Grabocz in France and B. Brumana in Italy). As the biographer of Emmanuel Levinas (Emmanuel Levinas, Flammarion, 1994, 2000, 2005), she also published and edited writings about moral philosophy. She is the author of several intellectual biographies, notably of Rubens, Emmanuel Levinas, Goethe, Paul Claudel, and Pierre Bourdieu, for which she was awarded by 2 prizes: Goethe ou la fatalité poétique (prix de l’Académie d’Alsace) and Aby Warburg ou la tentation du regard (Prix international Pierre Daix d’histoire de l’art). She translated several books from German and English (Wittgenstein’s Die philosophische Grammatik and Bemerkungen über die Grundlagen der Mathematik as well as works B. Williams and R. Westfall). She is editor of the journal CITES published by the Presses Universitaires de France (coordination: special issues on Wittgenstein, Arendt, Jankelevitch, Levi-Strauss, and Beauvoir).

Hans Rainer Sepp, Charles University in Prague, Czech Academy of Sciences

Is together with Karel Novotný Director of the Central European Institute of Philosophy at Charles University in Prague. By asking about the mutability of life on the basis of knowledge in religion, art and science, he develops a philosophy as oikology, which proves to be a metatheory in relation to philosophy and science and concerns an area that still precedes the approaches of philosophical genres such as logic or ethics and moral theory or ontology and metaphysics. In this regard, oikology is grounded in a renewed philosophy of human living body and its corporeality and, as prima philosophia, seeks to establish intercultural and interdisciplinary thinking. Recent monographs: Philosophie der imaginären Dinge, 2017; Phenomenology and Oikology [in Chinese], 2019; In. Grundrisse der Oikologie (forthcoming 2022).

Thomas Keller, Aix-Marseille Université

Emeritus Professor at Université d’Aix-Marseille, in charge of integrated Franco-German programs (Aix-Tübingen) until 2014; research areas: nonconformisms in Germany and France, Franco-German biographies, ethnology and anthropology, shared memorials, cultural transfers, and transcultural media. Latest book publication: Verkörperungen des Dritten im Deutsch-Französischen Verhältnis. Die Stelle der Übertragung (Embodiments of the Third in the Franco-German Relationship: The Place of Transmission), Fink, Paderborn, 2018.

Rafał Godoń, University of Warsaw

Is a professor at the University of Warsaw and the dean of the Faculty of Education there. His research interests include: education, particularly theory and philosophy of education, relationships between hermeneutical philosophy and education, aesthetic and ethical aspects of teaching and learning, educational experience, alternative education, teaching and learning in tertiary education. Select academic activities: head of ‘Academy of the Art of Thinking’ Project (POWR.03.01.00-00-EF10/16), NCBiR 2017-2019; organizer of ‘Ethics and Education’ – a biennial international conference (more information: https:// www.pedagog.uw.edu.pl/category/ethics-and-education/); member of learned societies: Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain, International Network of Philosophers of Education, Philosophy of Education Society of Poland (Towarzystwo Pedagogiki Filozoficznej im. Bronisława Ferdynanda Trentowskiego), the Polish Educational Research Association; the editor in chief of Pedagogical Culture. An International Journal of Education.

Grzegorz Pożarlik, Jagiellonian University in Kraków

Is a senior lecturer and former deputy director of the Jagiellonian University Institute of European Studies. He holds Ph.D. in Humanities from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University. His doctoral thesis analyzed the Polish raison d’état in light of European integration processes. His research focuses on sociology of power, international security in the Post-Cold War era, civil society and public sphere in Europe, democratic deficit and legitimacy crisis in the EU, symbolic construction of identity in the context of the EU Eastern enlargement. His recent publications focus on dilemmas of collective identity construction in an enlarging EU, collective memory in post-communist society, global asymmetry as a background for the emergence of the Post-Westphalian paradigm in the international relations, the EU as a global normative power and sociologization of security studies. He co-ordinates the Visegrad Network for Research and Academic mobility (VNDREAM) and Joint Master Degree in International Relations: Europe from the Visegrad Perspective.


September 9, 2022 — Updated on November 7, 2023


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ISBN-13 (15)
