Kłopot z wartościami : szkice z etyki życia społecznego
etyka, życie społeczne, filozofiaSynopsis
The book consists of ten articles which include: Karl Jaspers about the disease of democracy; The freedom of the individual and his or her membership in political and social organisations; The role of falsehood in the election campaign; The concept of quotas and the concept of equality and justice (an attempt at justification of the quota system); Goodness as an object of conflict; The ethical aspects of the ecological policy; The vision of the university (on the basis of the statements made by the representatives of the Lviv-Warsaw school) an the modern realia; About the educational falsehood; About the role of justice in the educational process; Honourable or worthy citizens?
The publication familiarises the reader with the problems of ethics in the practical context, for the ethical theories which are presented therein are referred to reality and not only to the mutual relations between these theories. Inspiration for the articles is furnished both by the literature of the subject as well as the statements of the classics (Aristotle, Locke) and the diagnoses of scholars of such stature as Jaspers, Fromm, Arendt and Kołakowski. The book includes the opinions of writers, researchers, especially of the historians of ideas, statements of journalists and the representatives of local governments. However, special emphasis is put on the in-depth scrutiny from the perspective which is furnished by living in the province and by the engagement in social activities. After Karl Jaspers’s manner the policy that is presented is treated within the framework of the ethics of responsibility and vocation, and not only of efficiency, which is prone to accept falsehood and private interests.
Od autorki .......... 9
Karl Jaspers o chorobie demokracji .......... 11
Wolność jednostki a jej członkostwo w organizacjach politycznych i społecznych .......... 23
Rola kłamstwa w kampanii wyborczej .......... 33
Idea parytetu a idea równości i sprawiedliwości (próba etycznego uzasadnienia systemu kwotowego) .......... 43
Dobro jako przedmiot konfliktu .......... 55
Etyczne aspekty polityki ekologicznej .......... 67
Wizja uniwersytetu przedstawicieli szkoły lwowsko-warszawskiej a realia współczesne .......... 77
O kłamstwie edukacyjnym .......... 87
O roli sprawiedliwości w procesie edukacji .......... 101
Obywatele honorowi czy godni? .......... 113