The Challenges and Opportunities in Law: Ukrainian Case under the Conditions of War
war, Ukraine, protection of human rights, war crimesSynopsis
The enduring Ukrainian conflict since 2014 has cast global legal frameworks into a crucible of challenges and prospects. This collective monograph, composed by twelve erudite scholars across twelve chapters, delves deep into law's interface with warfare, spotlighting Ukrainian dynamics.
From healthcare’s human rights conundrums during martial law, dissected in Chapter 1, to the emergence of molecular genetic testing’s role in criminal proceedings, elaborated in Chapter 2, the legal landscape transforms under wartime duress. Chapter 3 navigates criminal law’s adaptation amidst conflict, while Chapter 4 scrutinizes the tax information exchange’s integration challenges post-war.
Corruption’s nexus with military realities takes focus in Chapter 5, followed by Chapter 6 illumination of Ukraine’s criminal justice evolution during all-out war with Russia. Chapter 7 interweaves war’s aftermath, victimology, and human rights, employing a holistic human rights lens.
Chapters 8 and 9 scrutinize military justice reform and property rights’ protection, both bearing war’s imprints. Intellectual property law’s transformation amidst conflict is unravelled in Chapter 10. Chapter 11 unpicks real estate law complexities, and Chapter 12 questions the Ombudsman’s efficacy under martial law.
With precision, this monograph navigates Ukraine’s legal labyrinth during conflict, underscoring challenges and avenues. It offers a profound perspective on how law dynamically engages with war’s crucible, emerging resilient and transformed.
Personal Non-Property Rights to Life, Health and Medical Care in Ukraine New Challenges during Martial Law .......... 7
Particular Aspects of International Cooperation of Ukrainian Forensic Science Institutions with Foreign Specialists in Collecting, Studying and Processing Human Genomic Information .......... 89
Realization of the Principles of Criminal Law under Martial Law .......... 213
Exchange of Tax Information in the Post War Period in Ukraine .......... 321
Corruption in Ukraine in view of the war .......... 439
Кримінальне провадження в Україні в режимі воєнного стану .......... 517
War, Crime, Victimology, Human Rights and Criminal Justice Holistic Approach .......... 635
The System of Military Justice in Ukraine in Wartime .......... 651
Protection of the Owner’s Rights to Property Damaged during the War .......... 699
Viability of Intellectual Propery Law in the War and Post-war Periods .......... 735
Natural and Artificial Real Estate: Condradictions in the National Concepts Concerning the Correlation of Rights .......... 757
System of Human Rights Protection and Judicial Protection in Ukraine during the War and Its Compatibility Problems in the Context of EU Integration .......... 787