Biblia chrześcijan : wprowadzenie religioznawcze, historyczne i literackie


Krzysztof Pilarczyk
Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland


Bible, New Testament, Christianity, biblical studies, religious studies



For many, the Bible appears to be hardly approachable and very distant in terms of modern mentality. The author of the book comes to their aid. He calls it “discovering the world of the Bible” – a journey through reality that seems unundterstandable to young people because of its historical, cultural and religious code. The book attempts to skillfully “decode” the Christian Bible and also tries to show it as a cultural text that sheds light on the roots of modern culture and its axiology.
In this study, the author refers to his earlier book: Jewish literature from the Biblical age to the Haskalah. Religious, historical and literary introduction (Krakow 2006, 2009). This book also presents a similar, religious, historical and literary (not theological) approach. Although it is addressed to the academic community (mainly students of humanities and social sciences), it can certainly serve a wider audience – young people seek (quite often recently) for their identity in both cultural and religious dimensions.
The book is a good illustration of the modern state of knowledge about the Bible, without imposing anything on readers. The author himself maintains a distance to what he presents, striving to maintain ideological neutrality towards the issues raised. At the same time, he shows the ways in which the Christian Bible influences various spheres of life in a social and individual dimension. Taking as a starting point the presentation of a wide pantheon of sacred texts and embedding the sacred literature of Christianity in these literatures, he does not confront the Bible of Christians with them, but rather presents its specific value in their context. He uses the achievements of modern theological thought, formulated during the Second Vatican Council and developed for decades in numerous studies.
The book consists of ten chapters, arranged in a logical and consequent order. First, the author presents a pantheon of sacred literatures (selected religions, which is understandable) and the Bible of Christians in their context. Then he presents the history of the biblical canons of Christianity (with all its diversity), the wide geographical and cultural context of its creation, its history and matters of textual criticism – especially of the New Testament (NT) – and Biblical hermeneutics. He further makes an extremely synthetic, but – corresponding to the whole study – presentation of groups and individual NT books, and the relationship between the Old and New Testaments. Finally, he gives an overview of the most important achievements of NT archeology, which supports the research process on his books. In the end, he presents the originality of the Christian Bible compared to other religious literatures and identifies its value (which often seems forgotten or even unrealised) as a source for contemporary European culture.


  • Wstęp .......... 7
  • 1. Biblia chrześcijan w panteonie literatur sakralnych .......... 11
  • 2. Kanon czy kanony Biblii chrześcijan? .......... 43
  • 3. Kontekst geograficzny, historyczno-religijny i językowy Biblii chrześcijan .......... 59
  • 4. Historia i krytyka tekstu Biblii chrześcijan .......... 79
  • 5. Hermeneutyka biblijna .......... 97
  • 6. Księgi Nowego Testamentu i odkrywanie ich sensu .......... 107
  • 7. Stary Testament pomocą w objaśnianiu „wydarzenia Jezusa” .......... 145
  • 8. Archeologia Nowego Testamentu .......... 149
  • Appendix: Całun turyński artefaktem dotyczącym pochówku Jezusa? .......... 153
  • 9. Biblia chrześcijan na tle literatur sakralnych .......... 161
  • 10. Biblia chrześcijan źródłem uniwersalnej kultury .......... 169
  • Literatura pomocnicza .......... 175

Author Biography

Krzysztof Pilarczyk, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland

profesor zwyczajny w Instytucie Religioznawstwa Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie, kierownik Pracowni Historii Relacji Chrześcijańsko-Żydowskich, członek Stowarzyszenia Biblistów Polskich oraz Towarzystwa Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych „Fides et Ratio” we Wrocławiu. Współpracownik Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności w Krakowie i Polskiego Centrum Syndonologicznego. Autor około 300 publikacji naukowych. Zainteresowania koncentruje na historii judaizmu, literaturze biblijnej i apokryficznej, początkach chrześcijaństwa, starożytnej gnozie, dialogu międzyreligijnym, kulturze książki żydowskiej oraz turyzmie religijnym (Bliski Wschód). Jego aktywność naukowa jest dokumentowana na stronie:


May 8, 2020

Details about the available publication format: PDF (The lowest price over the last 30 days: 35 PLN)

PDF (The lowest price over the last 30 days: 35 PLN)

ISBN-13 (15)


Details about the available publication format: Paperback


ISBN-13 (15)
