Najstarsze bractwo różańcowe w Wadowicach 1616-1822


Tomasz Graff
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


Oldest Brotherhood of the Rosary in Wadowice, Wadowice in modern times (until 1822), confraternities of the rosary in Poland



This book describes the activity of the oldest Fraternity of the Rosary in Wadowice, which was established which was established in 1616 by the foundation of the burgher Jakub Wierczkowic. The Fraternity of the Rosary was an institution that gathered not only some of the inhabitants of this small city in Lesser Poland, but also people from neighboring communities who represented various states: the clergy, the nobility, and the common folk. Its activity focused not only on Marian piety, which flourished in the post-Tridentine period. The origins of such organizations reach back to secular fraternities that were founded in late antiquity and in the Middle Ages. Unfortunately, the foundation charter of the Fraternity of the Rosary in Wadowice has not been found, although it is known that in order for it to have been written the approval of the bishop of Krakow and the superiors of the Dominican Order were necessary. Formally, the Dominican Order was the patron of the Wadowice fraternity from the beginning of i s existence, as was the case with other Fraternities of the Rosary; however, in archival materials the traces of the Dominicans’ control over this fraternity were only sporadic in the seventeenth century, on the occasion of the election of the fraternity’s authorities.


  • Wstęp .......... 9
  • Rozdział 1. Bractwa różańcowe na świecie i w Polsce .......... 15
  • Rozdział 2. Wadowice – miasto i kościół do początków ery austriackiej .......... 29
  • Rozdział 3. Fundacja i pierwsze lata Bractwa Różańcowego w Wadowicach .......... 41
  • Rozdział 4. Powiązania Bractwa z altarią św. Anny .......... 47
  • Rozdział 5. Prebendarze i promotorzy Bractwa .......... 51
  • Rozdział 6. Sprawy majątkowe Bractwa .......... 61
  • Rozdział 7. Księga Bractwa .......... 69
  • Podsumowanie .......... 97
  • Aneks I. Księga Bractwa Różańcowego w Wadowicach z lat 1616-1752 wraz z kontynuacją z lat 1802-1821 .......... 103
  • Aneks II. Podsumowanie liczby wpisów do księgi Bractwa Różańcowego w Wadowicach w latach 1616-1752 oraz 1802-1821: struktura pochodzenia stanowego, podział płci .......... 203
  • Aneks III. Decretum Reformationis pro ecclesia parochiali in oppido Wadowice z 1708 roku [fragment] .......... 209
  • Wykaz skrótów .......... 211
  • Spis ilustracji .......... 213
  • Bibliografia .......... 215
  • Indeks osobowo-geograficzny .......... 229


October 14, 2020


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PDF (The lowest price over the last 30 days: 26 PLN)

ISBN-13 (15)


Details about the available publication format: Hardback


ISBN-13 (15)
