Szkoła poetycka Józefa Czechowicza : o awangardzie (nie tylko) lubelskiej


Stanisław Gawliński
Uniwersytet Jagielloński


The book Szkoła poetycka Józefa Czechowicza w okresie międzywojennym (elementy socjologii i poetyki) (1983) [The poetic school of Józef Czechowicz in the Interwar Period (elements of sociology and poetics)] deals with the shaping of a new poetic formation in the 1930s and mechanisms of dissemination of Józef Czechowicz’s convention and poetic style. Starting with the problem of defining the concept of ‘poetic school,’ the author discusses the poetic program and literary works of the leader of the Second Avant-garde before moving on to presenting models of Czechowiczesque poetry that functioned in literary criticism before WW2. The historical-literary aspect of the monograph is exemplified in an analysis of various poetics and literary conventions within the selected poetic school. Finally, while examining poetic means of expression and explanation of catastrophe in the 1930s poetry, the author considers diverse facets of catastrophism and discusses how the catastrophic discourse determines the position of the school of Czechowicz within the system of conventions of literary catastrophism and the Second Avant-garde.


  • Wstęp .......... 9
  • Wstęp do drugiego wydania .......... 11
  • Rozdział I. Przemiany awangardy. Od „poezji uspołecznionej” do „poezji czystej .......... 13
  • Rozdział II. W kręgu Czechowicza .......... 37
  • Rozdział III. Modele poezji Czechowicza .......... 63
  • Rozdział IV. Szkoła poetycka Czechowicza .......... 83
  • Rozdział V. Retoryka katastrofizmu. Szkoła Czechowicza w poezji Drugiej Awangardy .......... 137


December 31, 2020

Details about the available publication format: Paperback


ISBN-13 (15)


Details about the available publication format: Look inside

Look inside

ISBN-13 (15)
