Polskie studia wywiadowcze: Stan i perspektywy badań
intelligence studies, Poland, intelligence services, intelligence agencies, politics, security, history, law, sociologySynopsis
This book aims at conducting a comprehensive diagnosis and evaluation of the achievements, challenges and prospects of Polish intelligence studies (IS). Against the background of global intelligence studies, the popularity of this research field has been growing in Poland for two decades. However, research activities and their outcomes have been highly dispersed and unstructured, most often carried out by single researchers or small teams. The lack of a vehicle integrating the scattered research foci and entities in the IS area – in the form of a website, a flagship journal or a cyclical conference – furthers an identity crisis and organizational dispersion.
We propose an in-depth systematization of how intelligence services and their activities are investigated in Poland. We carry out an intellectual inventory of this area, analysing key themes, threads and products. We consider Polish IS as a whole, looking at dominant research trends, identifying degrees of insights into specific aspects of IS, highlighting topics which have not yet been sufficiently investigated, and suggesting issues that deserve a detailed examination. We present the centres where Polish IS have been developing, treating them as equally important, with each of them having its own vital role to play, “spécialité de la maison” and achievements. Concurrently, we argue that a significant atomization of the IS epistemic community is one of its core weaknesses. The conclusions drawn from the research presented in this study are far from optimistic. However, they should not be treated as “sounding the alarm”; rather, this book is meant as a kind of “call to arms”.
Wstęp .......... 7
Rozdział 1. Studia wywiadowcze w perspektywie politologicznej .......... 7
Rozdział 2. Studia wywiadowcze w perspektywie historycznej .......... 31
Rozdział 3. Studia wywiadowcze w perspektywie prawnej .......... 45
Rozdział 4. Studia wywiadowcze w perspektywie (około)socjologicznej .......... 53
Rozdział 5. Studia wywiadowcze zdaniem badaczy .......... 61
Rozdział 6. Studia wywiadowcze okiem praktyków .......... 85
Podsumowanie – co dalej z polskimi studiami wywiadowczymi? .......... 101