Turkish Vocabulary in Aleksander Chodźko’s Vocabulaire français-turc (1854)
Aleksander Chodźko, Turkish language textbook, dictionary, Turkish lexisSynopsis
This book presents Turkish lexical material selected from the dictionary Vocabulaire français-turc, which is part of the textbook Le Drogman turc donnant les mots et les phrases les plus nécessaires pour la Conversation. Vade mecum indispensable à l’armée d’Orient par A. Ch. written by the nineteenth-century orientalist Aleksander Chodźko.
The main aim of this book is to present and discuss the Turkish vocabulary contained in Vocabulaire français-turc. The analysis refers not only to the semantics of the collected material, but also to phonetics and grammatical forms. The lexical material presented by Chodźko presents the nineteenth-century Turkish, i.e. the so-called New-Ottoman language. In the dictionary of Chodźko, however, there are words in archaic forms typical of the older period of development of the Ottoman-Turkish language. This archaic character is manifested not only in the phonetics of words and the morphemes they contain, but also in numerous lexical archaisms. However, they are similar in meaning to their counterparts attested in modern Anatolian dialects. The phenomena occurring in the studied material may indicate that the process of modernization of the Ottoman-Turkish language was not yet completed at the time when the textbook in question was written.
1. Introduction .......... 7
1.1. Aleksander Chodźko – his life and works .......... 9
1.2. Turkish subject matter in the works of Chodźko .......... 22
1.3. Vocabulaire français-turc .......... 30
2. Turkish-French dictionary .......... 37
3. Conclusions .......... 109
4. Bibliography ..........117
5. List of illustrations .......... 123